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How to find Largest Word in a String.

How to find Largest Word in a String.

Here we are going to find the Largest Word In a String. The Largest Word are find into a String using C language.

Steps  To find Largest Word in a String.

  1. First we create a char array[] To store entire words of a String.
  2. Second we create a Structure to Store all the words of a string
  3. Then we use the for loop to start from [0] index to ['\0'] NULL index of a String.
  4. and we used a if condition to divide all the word of a string.
  5. and we use an integer veriable to store the first length word of a String
  6. And then we compare all the length of a String word to te length(Integer) veriable And which length is largest then the other String word this is called Largest Word of a String.

The Output Of programTo find Largest Word in a String

Input : "This is a test string"
Output : Maximum length word: string

Input : "codewithvibhu A computer Science portal" 
Output : Maximum length word: codewithvibhu

how to find Largest Word in a String

struct highest
 char name[10];
}obj[10];    // Create Structure objrct

void main(){ 
 char na[20];
 int j=0,k=0,len=0;
 printf("Enter a String :");
 scanf(" %[^\n]s",na);
 for(int i=0; i<strlen(na); i++){
  if(na[i]==' '){
   j++;         //  Here, we are check the condition 
   k=0;         //  and find all the word
 for(int i=0; i<=j; i++){
   len=strlen(obj[i].name);  // find Highest length
 for(int i=0; i<=j; i++){
  if(len==strlen(obj[i].name)){  /* Check the len is equal to the Structure object*/
   printf("Highest length is %s\n",obj[i].name);

out put :

Enter a String :my name is vibhu
Highest length is vibhu

How to find Largest Word in a String in C .

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