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Dynamic Game Like ANDChess Row or Column.

Dynamic Game Like Chess.

How To implement the Dynamic Game Like Chess AND Row or Column  program in C.

it is easy to implement the Dynamic Game Like Chess AND Row or Column. in C Here you can follow the program and you can also copy that program.

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#include #include void main(){ int i,j,k,l,m,n=1,o=0,val,b; int a[20][20]; printf("Enter a value :"); scanf("%d",&val); for(i=0; i=0; m--){ if(a[k][m]==0){ n=1; }else{m=-1;n=0;} } if(n==1){ for(k=i,m=j+1; m=0; k--){ if(a[k][m]==0){ n=1; }else{k=-1;n=0;} } } if(n==1){ if(i>=j){ o=0; }else{o=j-i;} for(k=i-1,m=j-1; m>=o; m--,k--){ if(a[k][m]==0){ n=1; }else{m=-1; n=0;} } } if(n==1){ if(i>=j || j>=i){ o=i+j; if(i+j>val){ o=4; } } for(k=i-1,m=j+1; m<=o; m++,k--){ if(a[k][m]==0){ n=1; }else{m=val; n=0;} } } if(n==1){ a[i][j+b]=8; printf("|%d|",a[i][j]); }else{printf("| |");} } printf("\n"); } printf("\n\n"); }

out put :

Enter a value :5
|9|| || || || |
| || ||9|| || |
| || || || ||9|
| ||9|| || || |
| || || ||9|| |

Tic Tac Toe Game program in Java.

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