#include<iostream> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<fstream> using namespace std; class item{ char name[10],name2[10],name1[10]; public: void set_item(char *n,char *n1,char *n2){ strcpy(name,n); strcpy(name1,n1); strcpy(name2,n2); } void get_item(){ cout<<name; cout<<name1; cout<<name2; } }; int main(){ item obj; ofstream out("a.txt"); char name[10],name1[10],name2[10]; string l; cout<<"Enter a item :"; cin>>name; cout<<"Enter a second item :"; cin>>name1; cout<<"Enter a third item :"; cin>>name2; obj.set_item(name,name1,name2); out<<name; out<<"\n"<<name1; out<<"\n"<<name2; out.close(); ifstream in("a.txt"); while(in){ getline(in,l); cout<<"\n"<<l; } }
Enter first item AC Enter second item TV Enter third item BAG AV TV BAG
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