// CPP program to demonstrate // Overloading new and delete operator // for a specific class #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; class student { string name; int age; public: student() { cout<< "Constructor is called\n" ; } student(string name, int age) { this->name = name; this->age = age; } void display() { cout<< "Name:" << name << endl; cout<< "Age:" << age << endl; } void * operator new(size_t size) { cout<< "Overloading new operator with size: " << size << endl; void * p = ::new student(); //void * p = malloc(size); will also work fine return p; } void operator delete(void * p) { cout<< "Overloading delete operator " << endl; free(p); } }; int main() { student * p = new student("Yash", 24); p->display(); delete p; }
Overloading new operator with size: 16
Constructor is called Name:Yash Age:24 Overloading delete operator
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