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introduction c language

 introduction of C language :

description : C language is the middle level language and also known as a robust language means it combination of high level and low level language. c language is the programmers friendly language that the programmers can create a program and make a operating system and other software.

 history c is an ANSI/ISO standard and powerful programming language for developing real time applications. c programming language was invented by Dennis Ritchi at the Bell Laboratories in 1972. it was invented for implementing UNIX operating system. c language is a structure oriented programming language, was developed at the Bell Laboratories in 1972 by Dennis. C language features were derived from earlier language called "B" )(Basic Combined Programming Language - BCPL).

features of C language

Structured : A structured language offers a variety of programming possibilities such as WHILE, DO WHILE, FOR LOOPS AND function example c, c++, java etc.

Portability : Portability means C has an ability to program to run in different environment. different environment could refer to different computer, OS or compiler where as machine or assembly language varies from computer to compare and hence program writeen in this language.

Flexibility : C language is used for developing system level software such as OS, compiler) as well as application software.

                Structured of C program

2)Linking section
3)Definition section
4)Global Declaration section
5)Main() function section
6)User define function

                "you can find in below"

Documentations : here if the users want to remember something about the program like program name and other than they can use the comment there are two type that user can comment in the program

1) // (for single line comment)
 2) multiple line

definition : definition means if user want to define some function than the definition is used
ex:    #define

linking section : in linking section user include any header file and other file
  ex :  #include

globally section : globally means the variable access any where. the globally is use in above main() function.
ex:  extern int a=10;

main() function : main is the main of the programs all the programs are executed in the main() function. main is the main components of the c program

user define function : is the user define function, user can create thier own function 

ex :void user()

               " simple c program "

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